Using characters in the Squid Game, we created Squeeze Game by having players squeeze the stress balls to fight the guards. In the movie Squid Game, all players cannot fight for the system's injustice. In Squeeze Game, we are providing an equal opportunity for the player to fight back. // Co-create with Shiyu Ma, Esther Lin / See the documentation
Mad Match is a physical fighting game using squeeze balls, foot pedals, and arcade buttons. By using Arduino Uno and p5.js, we brought the game to life. For Mad Match, we explored new ways for people to play fighting games. Instead of using the traditional keyboard and mouse, we have players use their hands, feet, and body to control the game. // Co-create with Shiyu Ma, Esther Lin / See the documentation
Using interactions including capturing mouse movement and background gradient shift, I created the digital art of the queer parade where every diverse people wear fancy rainbow clothes. Â // Co-create with Shiyu Ma